Monday, April 30, 2007

Hate Crimes Bill Comes Up For Vote

As early as tomorrow, Congress is going to vote on a Hate Crimes Bill that finally includes the LGBT community in its protections (attempted many times in the past, but blocked by a Republican led Congress). However, don't think that just because the Congress is now in the Democrats hands that it's a done deal. There are many forces working to derail this bill.

Traditional Values Coalition Executive Director Andrea Lafferty says, "The ultimate goal of (the) bill is to silence all opposition to the homosexual/transgender political agenda. So-called ‘hate speech’ will be suppressed because it supposedly incites individuals to violence against homosexuals/transgenders. Defined by homosexuals, hate speech is any verbal or printed materials that criticize the normalization of sodomy in our culture. The goal is to undermine the First Amendment and persecute Christians who oppose homosexuality.”

With idiots like Lafferty around, we can't risk them getting the ears of our congresspeople. So, if you're moved to do something, just Click Here, which will bring you to a form on Human Rights Campaign's website, allowing you to send a pre-scripted email to your congressperson in support of this legislation.

For more information on why Lafferty is wrong, and why this legislation is deeply needed, go to

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