Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wire Hangers: "Christine!"

I'm so proud! I did laundry last night. Now, I hate, loathe, and detest doing laundry. I will dust, clean, Ajax, Windex, wipe, and polish, but I hate doing laundry. Well, at least I don't have to worry too much about our shirts, because lately we've taken to having our shirts done at the cleaners in the office complex where my partner works. It's easy, fast, and look mom, no ironing!

Well, then, why are you so proud, you might be asking. Well, I've noticed that when our shirts come back, those wire hangers they're neatly returned upon are not ending up in the closet. Actually, they're being folded and tossed into the recycle bin, while the clean, crisp shirts are being transferred to better-suited hangers. Neither I, nor my partner, need worry about the other chasing an offending party around with a wire hanger yelling, "Christine!" And at just two or three dollars a pop, compared to having to wash, dry, and iron, it's worth it, and, well, it just makes my life divine!

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