Friday, May 4, 2007

Gay Republicans: Wasting Time

I wrote an article several years ago that lauded our gay republican brothers and sisters. It was appropriately entitled "In the Belly of the Beast," and was very supportive of gay GOP'ers working towards change from within the party. However, that article was written when we didn't have an asshole for a president, and before the Congress and Senate were both led by Republicans. I have since reconsidered my belief that gay Republicans are working for change; you see, if you can't move the stone after a certain number of attempts, and don't walk away, you're just wasting your time.

Although the recent Hate Crime legislation that included protection for the LGBT community successfully passed in Congress, it looks now as if it will be vetoed by that same asshole president, and with the large majority of Republicans voting against the bill, it would not be overridden. Don't get me wrong, there were a few Democrats who voted against it, and a handful of Republicans who supported it, but overall, when I look at the
list of those who voted against it, it's overwhelmingly Republican. The Republicans voted this way because they listened to idiots from Focus on the Family, Concerned Women for America, and other right-wing, Christian Fundamentalist groups who believe it's okay to say and write things that promote violence against gays, lesbians, and the transgendered. Heck, the Congress itself is full of these idiots, and most of them are Republican.

So, this piece of protective legislation is probably going to be shot down by the idiot in the oval office, and there isn't enough Dems to override the veto. The big losers in this are the gay Republicans, whom once I supported, but now cannot. You've tried to move the stone, it's not going to budge, walk away.

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