Take for instance Concerned Women for America, or Alliance Defense Fund, or maybe Focus on the Family--all have names that are somewhat innocuous sounding, but which belie organizations that are so right-winged, so conservative, and so religiously geared, as to make any "normal" citizen gravely concerned.
I don't like giving links to these websites, therefore offering these idiots gratuitous "hits" to their websites. However, I suggest you visit their sites regularly, because the things you'll read there should piss you off like nothing else, and hopefully motivate you, as they certainly do me, to get politically active. Even if it's just going to Human Rights Campaign or the Gay and Lesbian Taskforce's websites and using their easy mechanisms to email your congresspeople and senators.
Anger is not always a negative force, not when its a righteous anger, and if you read and hear the crap that these organizations are saying about us, our friends, and our families, then I say, stay well, stay pissed off.
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