I just got back from a workout during my lunch break, where I saw all the hotties for whom my partner and I (we go to the same gym) have given descriptive names. There's Tom of Finland guy, who's really butch and built like a brick house, there's Bulldog Pup, this young guy whose handsome young looks, along with a solid, killer body, struts around like a hot/cute little bulldog puppy. Trust me, there are many other such names we have for guys at our gym, and I know my gay friends use this descriptive naming process at theirs, too.
I wonder if straight guys do this, like, do they say, "Hey, I saw Britney Spears Girl at the gym today," or, "Boobs Galore was on the treadmill, and her thangs were just shak'n all over the place!" I tend to doubt it; they just don't have that gay creativity we so possess.
Although I believe the gay demographics at our gym to be on the low side, I do wonder what descriptive names our resident gays have given me, and I'm given into a wave of self-deprecating, self-conscious worry. However, that soon passes, and I'm back to my narcissistic little self. Sheeew, glad that's passed.