Thursday, June 14, 2007

Eventful Day for Gay Marriage in Massachusetts

Keep your fingers crossed, guys, as the Massachusetts State Legislature votes today on putting forth an amendment doing away with gay marriage. It must first be approved by 25% of the legislators, and then next year it would go to the voters.

What's wrong here, democratically speaking, is that one of the tenets of most constitutions, regardless of what country or state you're in, is the protection of a minority from the wills, prejudices, and follies of a majority. Certainly what we have in the case of putting the "gay marriage" question to voters is placing the right to the pursuit of happiness of a minority in the hands of the majority. It's just wrong.

We'll report to you later, when we here how the vote went. Until then, keep you fingers crossed that the bill fails.

News Flash!
An amazing change in expected votes from Massachusetts has squelched the anti-gay move to bring the issue to the voters. Even down to the last hour, nobody knew which way the vote would go. What was needed by our adversaries was only 50 votes, but they failed by five. Unless there is some legal ground for opposing organizations to use, the process to try againmeans it couldn't get to voters (even if it passed) until 2012.

Congratulations you gays of Mass, you've worked hard to divert this attack, and you won!!! Happy Pride!


Anonymous said...

Reason wins.

David said...

Very true, and reason was helped by showing the good straight folk that we are their neighbors, doctors, cashiers, mail carriers, and yes, sometimes close relatives.

Apparently, one older woman had told her senator last year to vote "yes" for the bill, but after a nice gay couple moved in next door, and helped her with her lawn, she told the senator to vote "no." I think that's pretty darn cool!