Dear Miss Booke -
I'm a marketing executive, and have recently been offered a new job. However, they want me to start immediately, but I feel I owe some advance notice to my current employer, who has treated me pretty well over the past few years. What should I do?
Honey child, I'm no human resources director, but I have many friends who have lately been in your position. There was a time when worker and employer had this arrangement where, "you don't quit, and I won't fire your ass." That led to a time where it was more like, "I'll let you know before you're being fired, but you give me two weeks notice if you quit."
Well, all of that is out the window now. Lately, employers have taken to walking into someone's office, saying you're fired, and having security march them out the door, only to have their "belongings" delivered to them at some later point in time.
Something tells me that your current employer would do that to you now, so regardless of how good they've treated you in the past, do to them what they'd do to you. It's a dog eat dog, small gay world out there, and if they're going to treat you like dog-poo, you may as well do the same to them. Whatever your choice, good luck to you!