Hey, girlfriend! Just wanted to drop you a note, letting you know that we gays have made a lot of headway in gaining our rights. True, you were successful back in the late 70s in fooling people in Florida that your "Save the Children" campaign was based on what Wikipedia quotes you as saying was "Christian beliefs regarding the sinfulness of homosexuality and the perceived threat of homosexual recruitment of children and child molestation."
We've come a long way, and it took a lot of effort on our part to prove how wrong you were. Many Christian denominations now fully accept being gay as just another part of God's schematic layout, and that "homosexuality" is also apparent in the animal kingdom.
As to recruitment, we've been able to convince many of your former supporters using the argument that how can people be recruited to be gay, when we gays grew up within straight families, living in straight neighborhoods, and had no contact with anyone gay. Nobody converted us, Anita, but it would have been helpful having a few mentors to show us as young people that we were not destine to be the decrepit demons you said we would be.
As to child molestation, honey, please! It's been shown that gays, based on percentages, are no less likely than straights to be child molesters, and therefore, as we are a minority within the general public, more straights are child molesters than gays.
Why you would ruin your career by getting involved in such a ploy as "Save the Children" is beyond most of us. However, the gay-hating you seeded and nurtured in our country, the deep-seated fear you caused innocent straight people, the damage you caused us that took a generation to overcome, and the lives you attempted to ruin, gives us great satisfaction in recalling the final undoing of your own. Well, that's about all for now.
Best, David
P.S. The Florida Orange Growers' Association sends their regards!
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